Learn about the author

Robert H Butler

Robert H. Butler

Robert H. Butler is a husband, father, soldier, and lifelong storyteller. He has always loved telling stories; he still recalls the first story he told when he was six or seven; it was a fascinating tale featuring Willy Wonka that he typed on his typewriter and read to his little sister. When Robert pulled the paper up and looked at the words on the page, he knew what he wanted to do. Life though, life got in the way. He joined the Army, married, and had children… but Robert always remembered his love of storytelling, and ‘Story hour with dad became a rich part of his children’s nighttime routines. Later he got lucky; he got an assignment as an instructor with one of the best groups of people he’d ever had the privilege of working with. They ran their operation so well that Robert and the entire team only had to work twenty hours per week. Away from his family and with ample free time, he started writing again after almost twenty years without doing so. He wrote, of all things, fanfiction of a Japanese best light novel series that he liked called ‘Overlord’.

Books by Robert H. Butler

Delve Deep into the Adventuresome High Fantasy Riveting Stories By Robert H. Butler

High fantasy fiction books are one of the most interesting literary genres available. It’s a narrative technique that allows the reader’s imagination to run wild. It lacks constraints in many ways, and the high fantasy genre has created some of the most thrilling creative works ever. Whether through print, cinema, or stage, high fantasy allows us to be seduced by new worlds in the most profound way.

But that’s all quite hazy. It’s not significant. It doesn’t fully define high fantasy. Robert H. Butler’s best-selling dark fantasy books will give you an insight into all the elements of high fantasy. Robert’s enthralling fantasy books define epic stories with captivating characters you will dearly enjoy.

There is no more fantastic place to go for an immersive retreat than the high fantasy world. It is popularized by Robert’s best works, such as “Adopted By Humans”, a trilogy depicting several defining characteristics that set it apart from typical fantasy. The account follows an alien anthropology student who comes to Earth to research humanity for his dissertation. He understands, like any good alien of science, that everything you study changes you. But he didn’t expect what he was studying to transform him even more and impact the fates of the two worlds in the best possible way. Sounded enthralling, right?

Within high fantasy, the central character usually begins in a disadvantageous position before embarking on a good vs evil quest that transforms them into a beloved hero or heroine. They may also receive assistance from a talented mentor, perform magic, and encounter a variety of exotic animals along the road, such as in many high fantasy adventure novels Robert has written.

Un-Put-Down-Able Read That Takes You In the Realm of Mysteries & Fantastical Lands

The fundamental principle of high fantasy is that a fantasy novel takes place in an alternate fictional world, usually with magical aspects. High fantasy is sometimes referred to as epic fantasy, and some of the characteristics of this subgenre of the fantasy genre include a large number of characters, usually a quest, and, most crucially, an alternate or secondary world as contrasted to the real or primary world. There are always global stakes in high fantasy—good vs evil, saving the world, and all that.

Robert’s top-selling novels include the best dark fantasy series “Who Endures”, is comprised of 7 books. The plot revolves around Nua Calen Aiwenor, a woman with ambitious goals. She does not have a throne, an army, an Empire, a Kingdom, or even a city. However, she has an enchanted left hand, a good knife, her teacher, wealth, and abilities. She dreams big from these small things of conquering, ruling, and resurrecting the dead.

Her challenges will be numerous, and her opponents will be formidable, but she believes in one thing beyond all others. It is those who persevere that triumph…

Get Ready to Embark on a Mystical Journey Unlike Any Before

As a fantasy author, there can be nothing more a writer dearly enjoys reading and writing about than realms full of enchantments and monsters. Yet with so many diverse fantasy subgenres to select, it can get challenging to know where to start when planning when writing a fantasy fiction book.

 The easiest way Robert took to differentiate between fantasy and fiction is by acknowledging where the book is set. This led the author to decide whether a story is a low fantasy or low fantasy.

Many high fantasy novels are set in a time similar to our mediaeval world, with people riding horses, drinking tankards of ale, and fighting with swords. However, this does not imply that the high fantasy work must be historically accurate. The beauty of writing fantasy that Robert has flawlessly presented in his light novel books is that nothing prevents a writer from giving the universe a modern flavor. Robert’s best contemporary fantasy book also includes the “Evolution of a Nobody” series that tells the story of three strangers, Lialah, Raziel, and Albaer, who are roommates and end up becoming friends. Maybe, in their patchwork of loss and bewilderment, they will all find some way to become… happy and make their place in a world that will forever change them all.

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Best Dark Fantasy Series Books with Endearing Characters

All ages and genders dearly enjoy high fantasy literature. There are numerous excellent examples of contemporary fantasy work, including high fantasy, that is both diverse and innovative. When you think of traditional fantasy tales, many automatically think of the realm full of fantastical creatures lurking in the dark, tamed by an evil wizard, waiting for the right time to attack the kingdom. Such are the stories that Robert presents in his best high fantasy books series, which are full of enchanted tales and mystical realms. Robert has also penned down some extraordinary modern high fantasy books far better than many classics. High fantasy also leads the Young Adult readership market because it allows writers to tackle subjects far more applicable to today’s young people. Among Robert’s best dark fantasy novels, “Who Conquers: Ruined Hearts” is among the best fantasy adventure books. The story takes the readers into the realm of dark fantasy literature. It describes the story of Speranzi Jadara, the paladin archer and Commander of the Black Quiver mercenary company, who goes through a series of life events that become life-threatening for her and the whole world…

Epic Adventures Awaits Your Path!

Robert’s riveting best fantasy book 2023 has the right elements of enthrallment and portrays epic fantasy immaculately. And if you’ve been looking to escape into a magical new world, these best fantasy book series should be on your top list. You’ll be able to stay in the realm of your choice for a good, long time. So what are you waiting for? Delve deep into one of these enthralling epic fantasy books written by one of the most iconic authors Robert H. Butler. Robert takes you into the realms full of unforeseeable epic adventures, whether it’s an adventure story, paranormal urban fables, alien invasion Science Fiction world, or high fantasy era. Adventures await every second, so buckle up and get ready to get lost in a realm that’ll keep you high on your heels till you finish turning the pages and read till the end!

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Another big winner by Robert H. Butler!!!
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Mr. Butler has once again written another masterpiece of fantasy fiction with this first volume in what I hope is merely the first in a long line of books set in this land of Mict'aratz! This highly talented author will put you deep within his story with his excellent world-building and character development skills that he uses to weave a compelling tale of unbridled ambition and adventure! BUY THIS BOOK and completely immerse yourself in this world of swords and sorcery!
Changed how I Interpret Literature
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It was while reading Robert Butler's work that I first recognized the difference between books that were 'good,' and books that always made me feel 'good.' I can see the effort and the skill going into these works. His stories get dark at times, and I wasn't willing to read dark stuff. How could anything that made me feel bad be good? Quite a lot of things, as it turns out. But when I read it I saw what was being accomplished through the darkness, what could be if one would dare to feel. I realized that the dark was necessary for such epic pieces to change the way we look at the world. By reading Robert Butler's work, and daring to feel, I no longer ask myself if a part of the story makes me feel good before I ask myself if the story itself is good.
Håkon Elseth
Excellent quality
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The book, particularly the hardback, is of very good quality, both on the outside and inside. Having been part of the beta reading team for the guy who wrote it, I can say with confidence that this is no amateur writer trying to push their first mediocre story at people. If you buy this, you are getting the experience of a man who already had over a million written words under his belt, and you'll be in for a ride. Nua's story is one of intrigue and battle, as she'll have to fight against the demons of her past while trying to ensure the future of a land torn by war and outside threats.
Simply Wonderful
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I have followed this author for quite a while and he never disappoints. This is a wonderful fantasy that still differentiates itself from the wider genre. This is a truly unique book and the entire series is truly amazing. Few, if any, can match the wonderful worldbuilding, language and sheer creativity that you can find here.